Our extensive experience in forensic architecture and engineering provides W|A Associates with an extra edge, beneficial in the area of Peer Review Services.
Our staff is attuned to typical envelope and structural issues affecting buildings today. Our peer review observations range from poor design, problematic detailing, and inappropriate material selections, to material and construction defects.
The knowledge and expertise developed in identifying these issues, crafting remedial solutions, solid details, and finer material selection provides our team with a heightened awareness of more technical issues associated with the construction industry and the development of a superior product.
Recent changes in the Building Code have resulted in greater and more specific requirements to building envelope systems in particular. Not only do these changes impact the building industry, but designers as well. W|A Associates' expertise in these matters is recognized by many design firms who come to us seeking complementary support to their design product. In response to this need, we have developed four levels of services:
Peer Review
Technical Consulting Services
Production Services
Value Engineering Services
Peer Construction
Document Services
Peer Review + Plan
Checking Services
Value Engineering